프랜치 리베에라 (French Riviera) - 코르다쥐르 (Côte d'Azur) - 에 있는 주요 여행 중심지이고 선도적인 휴양지인 니스 군에 있는 "프롬나드 데 장글레 (Promneade des Anglais)" 입니다. 중세시대에는 니스는 여러 전쟁에 관여된 곳이며, 이탈리아의 재앙에도 한몫하였습니다. 피사와의 동맹으로 인해, 제노바와 적대 상태가 되었고, 프랑스의 왕과 황제 모두가 이곳을 정복하기 위해 노력했었습니다; 그런 노력들에도 불구하고 이곳은 지방 자치제적인 자유를 유지하였습니다.
"Promenade des Anglais" in Nice, a major tourist centre and a leading resort on the French Riviera - Côte d'Azur. During the middle ages Nice had its share in the wars and disasters of Italy. As an ally of Pisa it was the enemy of Genoa, and both the king of France and the emperor endeavoured to subjugate it; but in spite of all it maintained its municipal liberties.
사진) Photo credit: W. M. Connolley
"Promenade des Anglais" in Nice, a major tourist centre and a leading resort on the French Riviera - Côte d'Azur. During the middle ages Nice had its share in the wars and disasters of Italy. As an ally of Pisa it was the enemy of Genoa, and both the king of France and the emperor endeavoured to subjugate it; but in spite of all it maintained its municipal liberties.
사진) Photo credit: W. M. Connolley
Copyright - "Nice" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Picture of the Day 7 October 2004. Web. 31 May 2010.
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