큰흰나비 (Large White butterfly, 배추흰나비) 의 애벌레입니다. 애벌레는 나뭇잎들을 개걸스럽게 먹으며, 급속도로 성장하면서, 보통 4회 또는 5회 정도 껍질을 벗은 뒤(탈피), 성인 형태로 변하는 번데기가 됩니다. 애벌레는 입을 통해 호흡하지 않습니다. 공기는 흉부와 복부의 주위에 있는 이어진 작은 관들을 통해 들어옵니다. 이러한 관들을 '기문(Spiracle, 스피라클 - 공기 구멍)' 이라 하고, 이들과 몸이 합쳐져 하나의 공기 기관 네트워크(계통) 또는 '기관(tracheae, 트라치에 - 기도)' 을 만듭니다.
The Caterpillar of the Large White butterfly. Caterpillars eat leaves voraciously, grow rapidly, shed their skins generally four or five times, and eventually pupate into an adult form. Caterpillars do not breathe through their mouths. Air enters their bodies through a series of small tubules along the sides of their thorax and abdomen. These tubules are called 'spiracles', and inside the body they connect together into a network of airtubes or 'tracheae'.
사진) Photo credit: Sannse
The Caterpillar of the Large White butterfly. Caterpillars eat leaves voraciously, grow rapidly, shed their skins generally four or five times, and eventually pupate into an adult form. Caterpillars do not breathe through their mouths. Air enters their bodies through a series of small tubules along the sides of their thorax and abdomen. These tubules are called 'spiracles', and inside the body they connect together into a network of airtubes or 'tracheae'.
사진) Photo credit: Sannse
Copyright - "Caterpillar" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Picture of the Day 13 October 2004. Web. 4 June 2010.
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