2010. 4. 12. 16:57
Marguerite de Navarre (마르그리트 드 나바르)
2010. 4. 12. 16:57 in 번역/출처 - En.Wikipedia.org
왕이였던 헨리 2세의 왕비인 마르그리트 드 나바르(1492–1549) 의 짧은 이야기들을 묶은 엡타메롱(Heptaméron)의 1864년 출판본에 인쇄된 그녀의 그림입니다. 그녀는 인문주의와 종교 개역의 후원자였으며, 프랑스의 왕이였던 프랑수아 1세의 누나였기에 프랑스에 지대한 영향을 끼친 마르그리트에 대해 프랑스 역사학자 쥘 미슐레는 프랑스의 혁명의 "어머니" 라고 불렀으며, 미국의 학자 사무엘 푸트남은 그녀를 "첫 현대 여성" 이라고 불렀습니다.
An engraving of Marguerite de Navarre (1492–1549), the queen consort of King Henry II of Navarre, from an 1864 English edition of the Heptaméron, a collection of her own short stories. She was a patron of humanists and reformers, and as the older sister of King Francis I of France, Marguerite held tremendous influence in France, so much so that French historian Jules Michelet called her the "Mother" of the French Renaissance and American scholar Samuel Putnam called her the "First Modern Woman".
An engraving of Marguerite de Navarre (1492–1549), the queen consort of King Henry II of Navarre, from an 1864 English edition of the Heptaméron, a collection of her own short stories. She was a patron of humanists and reformers, and as the older sister of King Francis I of France, Marguerite held tremendous influence in France, so much so that French historian Jules Michelet called her the "Mother" of the French Renaissance and American scholar Samuel Putnam called her the "First Modern Woman".
Copyright - "Marguerite de Navarre" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Picture of the Day 11 April 2010. Web. 12 April 2010.
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